Content services platforms enable multi-context records
By Laurence Hart – In a mature information program, information is directly accessible in every system in which people are working. But, to support this, information must be available in multiple contexts.

For example, a bank can access your personal information through both your savings account and credit card account. A loan officer may use information from both accounts, as well as the shared information, while processing your mortgage application.
The same should be true of your content. All mortgage application documents should be readily accessible to you and the bank when you apply for a car loan. Not all of the mortgage information is relevant for the car loan, but your latest tax return showing your income is.
Content services implementation can, and should, support these types of scenarios. When properly modeled and executed, content services enhance information reuse and provide businesses with the most contextually relevant information. Read On:
Content services platforms enable multi-context records — No Comments
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