The modern approach to document management workflow
In my humble (well sort of) opinion document management without workflow is meaningless. The whole reason you have those documents in the first place is because they represent or are connected to a process or task in the organization. The greatest benefit of implementing an ECM system is to realize the efficiencies to be gained trough workflow automation.
By Lisa Smith – Handling massive amounts of documents remains one of the key challenges faced by every company and organization on the market. Fortunately, the development of innovative technologies brought numerous improvements in this area. Electronic document workflow and document management systems are two solutions, which enable companies to greatly improve the quality of everyday work with documents and effectively support companies and organizations in achieving their business objectives.

Document management workflow is a broad concept, which denotes all the activities linked with handling documentation within a company. About a decade ago, virtually every company used traditional document workflow based solely on paper versions; however, it was fraught with numerous problems, making working with documents time-consuming, prone to errors and inconvenient. The situation changed dramatically a couple of years ago, when electronic document workflow took enterprise environments by storm and changed working with company documents for the better.
Electronic document workflow is a modern, future-oriented concept which can be combined with a dedicated document management system (DMS) to elevate the everyday work with company documents to a higher level. The concept envisions digitalization of all or just some of current and archive document sets, storage in a digital archive and managing document workflow using a dedicated DMS-class software solution. Electronic document workflow management is time- and cost-efficient, secure and virtually error-free – all of this is ensured by business process automation, one of the key features offered by modern document management systems. Read On:
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