RPA Software and Hyperautomation for MSPs
While this article is mostly about ElectroNeek’s funding efforts to me the real story is introducing RPA into the MSP environment. Speeding up ticket triage and billing would be two areas to focus on.
By Joe Panettieri – ElectroNeek, a robotic process automation (RPA) software platform for managed service providers (MSPs) and IT teams, has raised $20 million in Series A funding.
Take a closer look, and ElectroNeek could be the first RPA software startup that is seeking to aggressively engage MSPs in the small and midsize business (SMB) market.

That’s an important point. Indeed, many MSPs are seeking to extend beyond traditional RMM (remote monitoring and management) and PSA (professional services automation) software. The quest involves a march toward hyperautomation — which could further improve customer service while further raising MSP profit margins.
RPA software may be fulfill those hyperautomation goals. The reason: RPA bots allow partners and customers to automate manual business and technology processes. Within the IT services market, RPA may also help MSPs to further automate their own help desks and customer support operations. Read On:
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