SharePoint migration options in 2021
While this is really an add for a specific app to perform migrations to SharePoint it is worth noting that these migration can be challenging at a minimum. They usually fall into one of two camps. The first are those who for a myriad of reasons want to move their content to the cloud. Get rid of the 3-5 year server refresh cycle and the maintenance and security demands (hopefully you’re considering those) that goes along with that server. They usually are uninterested in leveraging the benefits of metadata and indexing, they simply want their folder tree moved to SharePoint.
The line of thought is to fully embrace metadata and indexing to drive automation and process within the organization. After all, there is a reason you have that content in the first place. I could go on but you get the point.
Either way using a migration tool is invaluable and I will not do a migration without one. Simple as that. I have never used the tool mentioned in this article as I am quite content with the one I do use and see no reason to delve into unfamiliar territory which would invariably be at the client’s expense.

By Business Matters – Every organization faces complications while migrating data. It becomes tough to get all the data from the source to the destination while using the storage resources.
The users always have a complaint about missing data and always remain in fear of it; with SharePoint migration, it’s essential to understand users’ data and plan the further process accordingly. This will make you sort out which data is relevant and which is not. It becomes a daunting experience if one deals with the mapped drives or people are unaware of the latest versions. To make sure of choosing the correct files, one must work along with the customers to list out the irrelevant files. Before moving them, try clearing the one drive.
You can also manage the data by describing it through content while creating the columns. This data remains safe when migrated to the document library. In this article, we will share our views upon options with SharePoint migration in 2021. Read On:
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