How To Simplify Document Management With Generative AI
By Ravikiran Dharmavaram – It’s no shock that document management is not a hot topic to talk about in any business. It’s time-consuming and often ill-managed, and its success is too reliant on individual contributors following company guidelines. This unavoidable task eats into a company’s capacity to scale, with the potential for delays caused by everything from document access to sifting through entire knowledge bases to pinpoint the correct document.
If you ignore most of the hundreds of different file types and focus on common ones used by businesses today, including text documents, images, CSV or Excel and videos, the complexity of any given search quickly becomes exponentially tricky.
Digital transformation has unlocked the ability to expand globally for most companies outside the Fortune 500 list. However, an inadequate ability to manage the ever-increasing volume of documents necessary to scale today in any industry will hamper these efforts.
For years, reports have shown that heuristically, people feel that they’re wasting a truly monumental amount of time tracking down documents. In 2021, at the peak of remote work, a survey from Wakefield Research and Elastic found that more than 50% of professionals felt they were spending more time searching for files than working. Read On:
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